The bell tower on Double Drive still chimes twice a day. Campus Walk clamors with students changing classes. Adirondack chairs continue to migrate all over Ball Circle – except for the space occupied by the white dining tent that went up this spring due to COVID-19.
In an unprecedented semester of health guidelines, there are plenty of do’s and don’ts. Time-honored Mary Washington traditions are still on track, but they’re looking more digital and distanced these days. In the midst of it all, University of Mary Washington students just want to have fun.
A calendar of scheduled events and “The List,” a growing document of brainstormed diversions – learn a TikTok dance, create a time capsule, grab a free Campus Rec Frisbee – show what students CAN do on campus.
“Fun is not canceled,” said Student Activities and Engagement Director Sandrine Sutphin, who’s working with other departments to push out ideas to keep students involved, connected and de-stressed. “You don’t have to sit in your room. There are still lots of things you can do.”
Here’s a Top 10 list of scheduled events.
1. Bingos, Karaokes and Game Nights
Tonight through Dec. 1. Presented by various groups.
Virtual events showcase favorite activities and allow students to display their competitive – and creative – sides. See calendar listings for specific events.
2. CIE Family Weekend Panel
Oct. 29. Presented by the Center for International Education.
Students and their families learn what it takes to embark on an enriching study abroad experience. The informational event hosted by the Center for International Education will reveal the details and dynamics of studying abroad.
3. Halloweens 2020: Paint Your Own Pumpkin Contest and Jack-A-Lantern Walk
Oct. 30. Presented by Class Council.
One of UMW’s oldest Halloween traditions, “Halloweens” becomes a pumpkin painting contest and an illuminated evening walk, with goodie bags and glow sticks. (And maybe a surprise appearance by Dean of Students Cedric Rucker dressed in his signature Winnie the Pooh costume with a pandemic twist!)
4. Shocktober Virtual Haunted House
Oct. 31. Presented by the Campus Programming Board.
A virtual haunted house tour creeps through a sprawling manor to reveal to viewers what lies in the darkest corners of their TV and computer screens.
5. COAR’s 2020 Box Drive
Through Nov. 2. Presented by Community Outreach and Resources.
Boxes, available for pick-up, can be filled with art supplies, outdoor toys, gloves, hats and other such items for the children of low-income families in Fredericksburg. Community Outreach and Resources’ 2020 Box Drive asks students to pick up a box and fill it with small items for the children of low-income families in Fredericksburg.
6. Downtown Clean-Ups
Nov. 7. Presented by Community Outreach and Resources.
Two separate trips – one along William Street to the Rappahannock River, and one at the Downtown Greens garden and greenspace – are designed for participants to pick up litter and help with maintenance.
7. Paint Night on Zoom with SAE
Nov. 6. Presented by Student Activities and Engagement.
A paint-your-own masterpiece activity asks students to show off their artistic talents with a step-by-step video showing how to to paint a scene depicting the UMW Bell Tower.
8. Stuff a Pokémon and Emoji Event
Nov. 13. Presented by Student Activities and Engagement.
A just-for-fun Build-A-Bear style exercise for fans of these popular animated characters.
9. Eagle Resource Closet Volunteer Opportunities
Through Nov. 20. Presented by the Center for Community Engagement.
The closet, a repository of nonperishables and other items aimed at eliminating food insecurity within the UMW community, needs student volunteers to organize, collect and inventory supplies.
10. Virtual Employer Events
February and March
Companies like Childhelp, Geico and Lidl hold sessions to present valuable training, internship and employment opportunities. See calendar listings for specific events.