Historic Preservation June 29, 2015 by Phone: 540-654-1041 Fax: 540-654-1068 Website: http://cas.umw.edu/hisp/ Michelle Arcari (marcari) Adjunct Instructor marcari@umw.edu 540-654-1313 Julia Coates (jcoates) Office Manager jcoates@umw.edu 540-654-1041 Christine Henry (chenry5) Associate Professor chenry5@umw.edu 540-654-1313 Daniel Hubbard (dhubbard) Associate Professor dhubbard@umw.edu 540-654-1019 Katherine Parker (kparker8) Assistant Professor kparker8@umw.edu 540-654-0134 Areas of Expertise: Historical Archaeology, Landscapes, Critical Heritage Studies, Cultural Resource Managment, Remote Sensing Andrea Smith (alsmith) Professor alsmith@umw.edu 540-654-1316 Michael Spencer (mspen1bi) Associate Professor mspen1bi@umw.edu 540-654-1311 Cristina Turdean (cturdean) Associate Professor cturdean@umw.edu 540-654-1310 Elyse Werling (ewerling) Adjunct Instructor ewerling@umw.edu 540-654-1313 Submit an update for Historic Preservation.
Katherine Parker (kparker8) Assistant Professor kparker8@umw.edu 540-654-0134 Areas of Expertise: Historical Archaeology, Landscapes, Critical Heritage Studies, Cultural Resource Managment, Remote Sensing