Students that are leaving UMW for any reason, at any time, will be asked to fill out the “Petition to Cancel Housing Agreement” form available through the Housing Portal. Reasons for leaving UMW include withdraw, suspension, leave of absence, transfer, study abroad, graduation, marriage, or approved change to part time status.
Students need to complete this form prior to leaving the UMW campus as departure procedures must be taken by the student as issued in an email from Residence Life. Students that are leaving at the completion of the current semester for the following semester, must fill out the form prior to leaving campus. Students leaving UMW at the end of fall semester should submit their Intent to Vacate by November 3.
Once the completed form has been submitted, a Residence Life and Housing staff member will confirm the information provided and send the student an email with the steps that must be taken before leaving campus. This email details the importance of avoiding fines by cleaning the space that is being vacated, instructions on turning in keys, and more.
Students who are leaving campus for a reason not listed on the Petition to be Released from Housing form must detail what reason they are leaving campus which will be reviewed by the Contract Review Committee on the second Tuesday of every month. Students remaining at UMW but petitioning to be released from their housing contract must be approved by the committee before signing an off-campus lease. Signing an off-campus lease is not grounds for release from an on-campus housing contract.
Students that are leaving campus due to an approved change to part time status must have been given permission by Dave Fleming, Dean of Residence Life and Housing. A drop to part-time status is not an automatic release from a signed housing agreement.
Questions about the petition/intent to vacate process can be answered by either a submission of Residence Life and Housing’s contact us form or by calling our office at 540-654-1058.